Our members are engaged in multiple innovative projects,
advancing our common aim to connect regions, communities and economies
through clean and smart transportation.

The Scandria®Alliance organises high-level dialogues with stakeholders
from all levels as well as expert knowledge exchange.
Scandria Alliance Talk on urban logistics & the mobility transition, 21 June 2024
In this #ScandriaAllianceTalk, you will learn about some promising projects in which cities and regions along the Scandria Corridor are piloting solutions that can actually help to reduce or replace road-based transport in urban logistics. These solutions include open system multi-use locker systems, micro hubs, light electric vehicles and urban inland shipping.
• MoLo Hubs – Parcel lockers for distribution and waste collection in Aalborg
• City logistics by boat – the cooperation of Berlin and DHL
• URBANE – Upscaling Innovative Green Urban Logistics Solutions in Bologna
Scandria Alliance Talk on urban air mobility, 29 April 2024
In the second #ScandriaAllianceTalk webinar, you will learn the basics of urban air mobility through the experiences and examples from the city of Helsinki in Finland and EU-funded projects AirMOUR and CityAM. You will also have the possibility to hear and discuss what urban air mobility means to cities and what cities should take into account in planning of urban air mobility.
• What is urban air mobility and U-space? How do they affect cities?
• Urban air mobility – approach and plans in city of Helsinki
• EU projects to advance urban air mobility understanding and tools: experiences from AiRMOUR and CityAM
Planning Urban and Trans-European Mobility together, 22–23 April 2024
The MOVE21 project invites European cities designated as urban nodes in the new TEN-T regulation and mobility professionals to discuss What collaborative efforts are essential along transport corridors to enhance connectivity within and between urban nodes.
The Scandria®Alliance will be represented in an expert workshop on regional collaboration models in practice. During the workshop, participants will discuss how enhanced multi-level collaboration can enable more seamless integration of urban nodes within the TEN-T.
Moving Europe to the next decade, 3 April 2024
As chair and vice chair of the Scandria®Alliance, the German and Finnish Capital Regions Berlin-Brandenburg and Helsinki-Uusimaa invited to a joint high-level evening event at Brandenburg’s representation to the EU, tying in with this year’s Connecting Europe Days.
Panellists discussed how to resolve the discrepancy between agreed upon goals in greening transport and increasing connectivity on the one hand and tightening public budgets on the other hand.
Scandria Alliance Talk on the TEN-T revision, 16 February 2024
To kick off our new series of #ScandriaAllianceTalks, we discussed the revised TEN-T regulation and its implications for seamless, green and smart transport along the ScanMed Corridor.
• The European Commission’s perspective on the agreement
• What the agreement means for urban nodes
• Implications for cross-border links on the ScanMed Corridor
Urban nodes webinar, 1 December 2023
The webinar “Navigating the future of urban nodes” was organised by the Scandria Alliance task force on urban nodes and SUMPs.
In light of the TEN-T revision process, more than 50 participants explored the reinforced role of urban nodes within the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).