From 28 – 30 June 2022, Europe’s mobility flagship event, the Connecting Europe Days, took place in Lyon, France.
The event brought together politicians, industry representatives and the European Commission to discuss transport and mobility, and their role in achieving the ambitious goals set out in the EU Green Deal and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy. Numerous members of the Scandria®Alliance were among the 2,000 participants.
The Scandria®Alliance Secretariat had set up a stand in the event’s exhibition area. Displaying videos and other information materials from member regions as well on the Alliance itself, the stand was well attended by both Alliance members and conference participants.

Scandria®Alliance members used the stand as meeting points and to give presentations on relevant corridor projects, such as the one-hour train between Turku and Helsinki, the Oslo-Stockholm 2.55 cross-border rail project, the Green Jutland Corridor or on corridor nodes as the port of Hamburg or the German Capital Region Berlin-Brandenburg.

During the meeting of the ScanMed Corridor on 28 June 2022, Tommi Vollmann, Head of the Scandria®Alliance Secretariat, could also give a brief input on activities of the Scandria®Alliance dedicated to clean fuel deployment along the corridor.
Politicians of member regions in dialogue with Pat Cox
On 29 June 2022, political representatives of our member regions had the opportunity to meet Pat Cox, the European Coordinator of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean Core Network Corridor.

They handed over the Scandria®Alliance’s position paper on the revised TEN-T guidelines and discussed selected transport projects in the corridor. To continue the dialogue, Mr Cox was invited to the next General Assembly of the Scandria®Alliance to take place in Potsdam, Germany in October 2022 on behalf of Guido Beermann, Brandenburg’s Minister for Infrastructure and Federal State Planning and Chairperson of the Scandria®Alliance.
Promising contacts and active engagement of members
In a number of individual talks at the Scandria®Alliance stand and in the exhibition, many contacts could be made with different regions and networks that showed interest in collaborating with the Scandria®Alliance. Thanks to the active engagement of its members, the Scandria®Alliance raised attention at the Connecting Europe Days, making its participation a full success.